A number of fighters are invited to DOA, an invitational martial arts contest. They travel to the tournament island by plane, until they have to jump out mid-flight with parachutes, and then have until sundown to reach the main island to be entered into the tournament. Fighters are then pooled against one another in a knock-out style tournament, with the loser of a battle sent home, and the winner progressing to the subsequent round. The plot revolves around four female fighters who begin as rivals, but subsequently find themselves teaming up against another force.
The first 20-30 minutes of this movie are basically soft porn, skimpily dressed girls prancing around kicking ass, riding massive motorbikes and fighting half naked.
The rest of the movie is not much different.
I even laughed a few times, but most of the time I was staring at butts or boobs and thoroughly enjoying it.
The ‘acting’ is laughable, there is nothing that could be recognised as a coherent plot, but still it’s great.
Some chicks kick some ass, the bad guy gets sorted, the victim gets rescued and team work prevails over being enemies.
A few of the fights are good but most are over edited and the costumes are rather cosplay, the dialogue is so cheesy it’s entertaining!
Don’t bother thinking, don’t analyse just watch this movie and let your lil’ bro rule you for a while, I guarantee you’ll totally enjoy it.
Basically, do not miss this movie!
I give it a titty bouncing 8/10 just for being so bad – it’s great fun.
yeah the movie had so much fan service (crotch shots!) it was funny…
and eric roberts hahahaha
I love that bra part by Holly Valance 🙂
She is so yummy 🙂
Hmm.. I movie like this would never get by without the sex appeal. Hence, it is a lousy movie. Agree?
hmmm, i dont even wanna pay a rm11 for tht ticket
may b a rm8 for a dvd will do..
but then again, rm6 can buy 12 stick of satays!
Holly Valance is probably the most beautiful girl ever!
Id definitely go for the RM8 DVD version, then the movie would not have suffered the wrath of our ever-friendly-censorship board! 😛
From a PS game title to a full length movie, the directors did do a good job of not losing the plot! anyone who played the game way back in ’98 (i think) would certainly remember one of the options in the game settings, they had a on/off setting for BOUNCING BOOBS!? now aint that cool for a game!?
I love miho
You had me at ‘Soft Porn’. 🙂
Ok, ok… I suppose it’s fair lah:
Girls have “chick flicks”…
… and guys have “scantily clad chicks prancing around flicks”.
My little bro is gay – why do you think he would enjoy this movie?
I don’t get it….
IB, dude, gay boys like their boobies too 😛
Why does everyone think I’m a dude? I swear… * mutters incoherently *
IB – dude, stop getting so upset, we all know you’re a chick. So cool it dude … um … dudette! 🙂
Dabido, it’s PMS
Kelvin: Entertaining stuff right!
Justin Wong: That’s correct, it’s complete crap, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it..what does that mean?
zbjernak & myba7p: Yah DVD no censorship and can watch over and over 😀 The game was awesome! I think there was one version you could choose the boob size too.
J: Glad you see it that way 😀
IB: Little brother like the one downstairs, mens smaller brain etc etc Not your actual sibling.
ST. Yes. I know. Just yanking your chain lah.