Tag Archives | blogs

Blogging WTF? At The Last Word KL – A Meeting For Copywriters

So a day after I gave a geeky talk – High Availability MongoDB & Replica Sets – A How To & Kinda Tutorial – I gave a much less geeky talk to a bunch of copywriting folk about blogging. I thought I’d share it here, it covers stuff like blogging, the value of blogging as […]

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Continue Reading · 2 Comments · General Nonsense

Apology From Malay Mail For Publishing Without Permission

Ok so last week my article about PR and bloggers together with David’s article was published in the Malay Mail without permission. I wrote a fairly strongly worded e-mail to the Malay Mail to question their behavior and asked what they planned to do about the copyright infringement. Surprisingly they replied quickly, politely and professionally […]

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Continue Reading · 16 Comments · Serious Issues

The Quality of Pings on PPS Lately

I’ve heard a lot about this lately, a lot of people talking about it, well complaining about it. And it’s struck me too, the quality of content on PPS has dropped dramatically, I guess it’s inevitable for any kind of unrestricted system, as the volume increases, the quality decreases, the same can be said for […]

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Continue Reading · 53 Comments · Ranting

The Amazing Growth of Blogs and Blogging

I have to say I do use Technorati quite a lot, mostly as an ego tool with the nice watchlist Da I can watch “Shaolin Tiger” “ShaolinTiger” and “https://www.shaolintiger.com” to see who is linking me or talking about me. They are doing a great job of tracking the movements in the global blog arena, how […]

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Continue Reading · 6 Comments · Internet & Tech