Tag Archives | intellectual property

Picture Published In The Star Today – Without Credit

Once again The Star does what it seems to do consistently, publish a picture without any credit at all. Unlike the Malay Mail who published a blog article of mine without permission then printed an apology. This issue with The Star has also been discussed in depth on Shutter Asia: Malaysian Newspapers and Photo Credits […]

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Continue Reading · 22 Comments · Media Coverage, Photography, Serious Issues

Apology From Malay Mail For Publishing Without Permission

Ok so last week my article about PR and bloggers together with David’s article was published in the Malay Mail without permission. I wrote a fairly strongly worded e-mail to the Malay Mail to question their behavior and asked what they planned to do about the copyright infringement. Surprisingly they replied quickly, politely and professionally […]

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Continue Reading · 16 Comments · Serious Issues