Tag Archives | Asia

Singapore – Chinatown – Part II

The night shots! Following on the from the last series, I got the rest of the pics done and uploaded so here they are, again all shot with two prime lenses 🙂 It was the end of a hot and sweaty (and extremely hazy day), the lanterns weren’t as impressive as the Bukit Jalil Lantern […]

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Singapore – Chinatown – Part I

The first day I went to Peninsular Plaza near City Hall MRT stop to buy camera stuff, which no one would be interested in so I’ll post it at DigiSniper 🙂 Do you care if I got a Giotto rocket air blower?! The second day I went with my Mom to Chinatown as it’s hustle […]

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The Asia Cultural Lantern Carnival 2006 – Bukit Jalil

After my busy night on Friday at the Sunrise on Saturday night I managed to get to the Asia Cultural Lantern Carnival 2006 at Bukit Jalil before it finished on the 30th (Sunday). I wanted to go as it seems pretty interesting and it was a good opportunity to test out my new Manfrotto tripod […]

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Unfortunately in a non-sexual way.. I was ill some time last week so I was at home in the day, I heard some buzzing noise outside, it turned out to be a walking fumigator dude with some huge smoking blowing thing.. He decided smartly to blow the smoke down the side next to my appt, […]

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Fort Santiago – The Walled City of Intramuros, Manila

After a good night out, I got up at lunchtime and headed out with Bryanboy to Intramuros, the walled city and Fort Santiago. The location of this site was also once the palace and kingdom of Rajah Suliman, chieftain of Manila. It was destroyed by the conquistadors upon arriving in 1570, encountering several bloody battles […]

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Continue Reading · 6 Comments · Philippines, Trips & Travel

Only in Malaysia 2 – The Egg Man

Only in Malaysia, Part 2. Amazing stuff, how many dozen eggs, on the back of a bike.. Cool! (I have seen worse, but this is the only good one I’ve managed to capture). If you do your own post tag it onlyinmalaysia and if you upload to flickr tag it onlyinmalaysia and trackback the first […]

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Only in Malaysia 1 – Hang Your Undies on Your Grill?

I been planning this pictorial series for a couple of years LOL, may aswell start it now, if you have any ‘Only in Malaysia’ pictures send them to me and I’ll post them and credit you. I start the series with this one, Only in Malaysia part 1 – The Undies. Nice eh? If you […]

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Moms Trip – Day 7 – Kuala Lumpur Native Museum (Muzium Orang Asli) Gombak

The Orang Asli are the native people of Malaysia, the Aboriginals of this region. The Orang Asli are the indigenous minority peoples of Peninsular Malaysia. The name is a Malay term which transliterates as ‘original peoples’ or ‘first peoples.’ It is a collective term introduced by anthropologists and administrators for the 18 sub-ethnic groups generally […]

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Continue Reading · 12 Comments · Malaysia, Trips & Travel

How to use RSS Feeds on your WordPress Site

Well I’ve had the capability to do this for quite some time, but I didn’t bother before now, as I didn’t really want a load of pages no one ever looked at before about viruses, security news and so on as now I can just use my customisable Google homepage to keep an eye on […]

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Continue Reading · 92 Comments · Internet & Tech

Asian Blog Review – My Blog

As it’s quite long, I’ll address all of the points here as it’s easily for clarity.

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