Tag Archives | chinese

Hot Chicks & Cold Beer

Hmmm fluffy white outfits and free flow sub zero Heineken beer! What a deal. They sure know how to make us happy 🙂 More soon of course.

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Continue Reading · 8 Comments · Parties & Gatherings

Kim Ong Natural Light Series

So in the midst of all the strobing I found time for a few natural light shots against the blind with the afternoon sun streaming through. I really like how they came out, especially this one. Longing Wondering (more…)

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Project Sexy Secretary with Kim

Coming soon! So watch this space. Fierce Style Sexy Secretary Silence

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Triple 7 – God of Gambling

Don’t gamble so much…it’s bad for you! Especially when it gets up to 30 bucks a hand…then the dealer gets 21 and you have to cough up 60 bucks! w00t to my triple 7, this wasn’t staged, I actually got it! Playing Blackjack at Chinese New Year, the only hand better than Double Ace, and […]

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Continue Reading · 17 Comments · General Nonsense

Singapore – Chinatown – Part II

The night shots! Following on the from the last series, I got the rest of the pics done and uploaded so here they are, again all shot with two prime lenses 🙂 It was the end of a hot and sweaty (and extremely hazy day), the lanterns weren’t as impressive as the Bukit Jalil Lantern […]

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Continue Reading · 6 Comments · Photography, Singapore, Trips & Travel

Singapore – Chinatown – Part I

The first day I went to Peninsular Plaza near City Hall MRT stop to buy camera stuff, which no one would be interested in so I’ll post it at DigiSniper 🙂 Do you care if I got a Giotto rocket air blower?! The second day I went with my Mom to Chinatown as it’s hustle […]

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Continue Reading · 18 Comments · Photography, Singapore, Trips & Travel