So there’s this company in Hong Kong, they make T-shirts.
Standing tall among the masses on the teeming streets of Hong Kong, GMTEE T-shirts come at you with the impact of a Shaolin thunderkick and the power of a one-inch punch! Get the chin-high self-belief of a GMTEE!
GMTEE is fusion fashion created with a cut and thrust attitude that mirrors it’s principal designer, Dickie. His unique designs celebrate Asian style and iconography from samurai to kung fu fighters, dragons to Godzilla.
Nice T-shirts as a matter of fact, why? Because they have t-shirts of Shaolin and Tiger, so they must be awesome right? Just like me!

And they stock only high quality shirts.
We have manufactured your T-shirt in a heavy (240 gsm) combed 100% cotton interlock that is warm and comfortable. Your T-shirt is pre-shrunk and colorfast and will wash well. This durable cotton fabric will wear well for years to come. For comparison, your T-shirt is 30% heavier than the Hanes Beefy T.
They contacted me because I have an aswesome name, like their awesome products, so they thought we made a nice couple and sent me a T-shirt of my choice.
The service is excellent and it arrived in only 5 days well packaged and in perfect condition

Number 14 of 218, limited edition!
Design: Shao lin Kung Fu

It is indeed a good quality t-shirt, with front and back print, apt for doing ninja moves:

And other things..

As you can see it looks exactly like the product pictures, which are actual pictures of the t-shirt, not computer generated images like CafePress or something.
The print is very good quality and the shirt washes well due to the type of heavy cotton used.
I’m impressed and I’d recommend them!
I was tempted by quite a few of their shirts and was hard pressed just to choose one…the Shaolin design, Dragon Lust is awesome!

They also have some nice womens shirts too like Suzie..

If you want to buy one of their shirts, or a few! You can do so with discount, because you read my blog you must be awesome and deserving of $5 off a shirt.
As you proceed to check out, you should enter this code word to redeem the discount: tiger.
The discount offer expires Saturday 22nd October. Anybody can use the code as often as they wish, but the system will only allow the code to be redeemed once on each transaction.
The T-shirts are mostly around $20-25USD.
Go buy now! No I don’t make any commission, I just think they are cool.
pwah cool sial I want !
they contacted you because you have cool names ? and they decided to break those names in two ?
shaolin and tiger ?
come on……..which pasar malam t-shirt maker u hook up and gave them webhosting
the letter which comes with the package makes the customers feel so SPECIAL!
These are definately YOU, dude!
*makin’ his best impression of B.Lee constipating.
Cool outfit, dude. And i like your “ninja” gear LOL
buy me suziewong plz…me give u boom boom allll niteeee, long time.
So you had the XXL?
I need to know whether it will fit me before I order.
Ah sorry forgot to mention that.
Was XL for me bro, fits me fine.
I love pink and black. They go really well together.
That last shirt is god-damn beautiful.
I’m converted to GMTEE.
Looks cool. Great job, Shaolin Tiger!!!!!!
your face looks like u can use some sleep. hehee
Many thanks to the Tiger for taking an interest in the T-shirts at GMTEE.
In the last 24 hours we have taken orders from 4 readers of this very excellent blog. That is pretty good going, I think!
Obviously the Tiger has many fans!
That’s the truth man…could sleep for a week or so, been feeling crappy lately 🙁 Maybe I’ll actually go to the doc today.
Seems pretty good to me, perhaps I should be your official advocate or something!
Wow. Cool T. Got XL summore! I like! Will check it out. Thanks for the info!
kenapa tak tidur? Pergi tidur lah!
man, are u turning pro blogger too? TAK NAKKKK!
Yeah maybe, why you jealous issit?! hahaha
Nah earn too much at work, would be hard to match it from blogging keke
Plus one t-shirt only mah, my copy and paste not powderful enough to be pro.
Okay I’m guilty. But the design’s good and plus it’s limited edition. Finally I am buying something besides alcohol.
I just hope the XXL fits. Since I’m King Kong.
Oh Shaolin, thanks for the USD5 redeem. 🙂
Just hope you like it as much as I do!
I wouldn’t worry about the size too much as I’m not exactly a small chap and the XL fits me fine, it’s plenty long and wide enough.
Oooo, I might grab the Rising Crane one … have no idea why that design appeals to me more than the rest!
Anyway, I can’t afford to take advantage of the offer at the moment – I’m not going to be cashed up for another week or two!!! Waaaah!
Thanks for the ‘blogvertisement’ to their site though. They’re pretty cool!
Wonder if they know my KL relatives? lol
Oh, I forgot to add, It’s amazing the postman got the package to you … the writing is all smudged liek someone had photshopped the address to make it smudgy! 🙂
I love Asian style T-shirts!
wah, very nice Tee. tempted to get one for christmas. hrmph! ST bad, make me spend $$$ only 😛
Very nice recommendation! Ordered 2 yesterday and got it hand delivered to my office by Don (it says “general manager of GMTee” on his card) in the afternoon. Great quality and style!
I can’t believe I said KL relatives … I ment HK relatives! Blah! Makes no sense wondering if people in HK might know my relatives in KL … Baka Dabido!!!!
Anyway … I wonder if they know my Hong Kong Relatives???
I’ve been quite taken with some of the T-shirts by GMTee ever since I saw them on ST’s blog. So when a friend asked me what I wanted as a belated birthday gift, I pointed him to the ‘right’ direction.
And something arrived in the post today.