Really in a quandry..
I’ve had this OLD ASS SE T610 for more than 2 years now, and it’s starting to conk out.

I’ve been lusting after the w800/k750 since before they were relased and the preview models were reviewed..
Sony Ericsson w800This one is more like a media player, funky orange and white look, high quality headphones, 512MB memory card, ability to function as a media player with the phone turned off..

Nice eh?
You can see the trailer and stuff here.
Full feature here.
Sony Ericsson k750Slick black, nice looking phone. But Suan has one, so well that’s pretty gay.

Full specs here.
So which is it?Feature wise they are both around the same, it’s just an issue of peripherals and looks mainly.
The k750 can be flashed with the w800 firmware to give it the same functionality, and you can buy the duo memorystick and probably the better headphones too.
Kinda leaning towards w800 at the moment, what do you think?
I think the w800 is a sweet choice
Definitely W800 laaa!!!
of course you have to wait for the black sakura, w850. should be coming out pretty soon.
w800 is nice and dandy, comes with a great set of earphones. but it’s also orange and white, gay looking and gets dirty and looks like cum stain on florida orange after 2 weeks of use.
W800. hubby’s lusting for it oso. i’m supposed to buy him one as birdday present, but then, he pissed me off. so, i make him lust longer……..
The w850 pics I saw were same colour as w800, and some were even worse..YELLOW
Ophira Pic
It’s like a hybrid between w800 and s700, really didn’t like the s700 design so will have to see..
w850 pics here.
Buy one for me la, I didn’t piss you off right 😀
nay, nay…. maybe colema therapy??
In my opinion, Go for the W800 if the price is the same – just because of the memory stick pro duo. A 512 Sandisk is RM180 and the official Sony stick is approx. RM480 – so that’s pretty good savings.
Also, if you plan to play Java games on your phone: I suggest you try the phone live – the loading speed of the interface can give you a clue on java game performance.
Older SE models have java game problems. But these 2 models look schweet! Time to update my wishlist 😉
w800 if it comes in pure black or ipod white. Orange sucks.
yo, take the orange one, is more bling than the black, black on is ok la but too serious. camera is good stuff w/ zoom that works and flexible storage!
Orange and white? Faggot. Yellow? Hell no!
Get the black one, and get a black Nano.. Perfect!!
there’s another differences between them and it is the $$. bout RM300
I think u can’t simply change the headphone cos the socket is SE kind of shit. not the ordinary 1.
hey there, i say get the w800. i’ve just got it and i’ve got nothing but praises for it. i know the orange colour is not really ‘macho’ and i never really liked orange in the first place. but the functions of the phone outweighs it all 😉
W800 can get shitz dirty unless you buy the gay cover phone thing. i saw the dirtified version then decided against it.
get the damn orange phone…it matches your pretty eyes
how about you wait a bit for these two phones to hit the market?
the W550 and the S600 are both similar to the S700i.
Well if money’s not an issue to you, then get the w800, of course!
You must see the packaging of the w800 set, very tempting… hard to resist if not for the fact that I got my 7610 less than 6 months ago…
1) They are for the US market
2) I really don’t like the s700, thats why I like these, I prefer T610, K700, K750 series..
Money is an issue of course, but well there’s not much between then (only RM300 out of almost 2k isn’t much)..
So wanna get the right choice 😉
How? Who has such an old w800 already? Hasn’t been out that long..
Then get the w800! Don’t wait! Haha
Take it as an investment then, errr… like “The more you pay = the longer you will use the phone” ;o)
That’s what I always tell my hubby anyway!
w800.. duh?
i was eyeing the K750i at first but the W800 is sweet.. dig the walkman function… the price diff is mainly for the 512 mc..
get the NOKIA N90 and buy a Sony PSP with the loose change. ;P
dude, if you’re hankering after a W800, i know someone whos desperate to sell his brand new one off. car troubles. drop me a line and ill hook you up, if you;re willing, of course.
i am using w800 now and i have no complaints! reason i chose it…was for the 512 card! haha. but very few guys like it coz of the colour…apparently it’s too girly. gah, if u dnt mind, it’s a great phn! great earphones too! haha
the shop i went to. many ppl touch touch etc, dirty lah. it’s at 1U
ok what…. it’s orange and he’s a tiger.
k750 … orange is funky fag
If you take care of it then no need to buy gay cover oledi…wipe everyday mah
the price comment at the end not that relevant, coz here and there different price mah.
Must it be SE? It sucks. I’ve got the k750i. It hangs for no reason and is quite retarded. I have to wait like 5 seconds to find a number or 10 seconds to go from a phone number to writing a message. Get Nokia lah.
don’t think already lar kwai lou,
512mb today, 512g tomorrow. is never ending.
just do it
hm.. obviously nokia is more user friendly but between the two i’d say the orange one. the roundish metal plate surrounding the camera lens looks pretty hot.
Nah can’t stand Nokia since they switch to proprietary locked in platform, no longer using open protocols, they own your information..
a word of advice though, the w800 gets dirty easily. i wanted to get it too but after checking out the actual unit, white part, i decided against it. easily dirty and hard to clean off. looks plasticky too. k750 with a memory stick upgrade is better if its between the 2.
Hmm thanks for the tip..I’ll have to seriously consider the k750 with upgrade then, or waiting for Sakura/Ophira..
hoi lou fu…. hrmmmm … actually both phones has almost the same specs..(i think) it’s only the W800 is the lastest outcome… again if you have an ipod.. u wont use your phone to play music-lah.
Anyway… K750i is worth poundering because in a long run, it’ll be more practical la….
will seek advice from my friends and come back to you… since i am in a telco business 😛
I don’t and won’t have an iPod, waste of money.
Hardware wise they are exactly the same, just different case. Different firmware dictates the capability, firmware from w800 can go on k750 to give the same feature set, but it invalidates the warranty.
It’s mainly the memory card and the headphones which make the difference.
But I guess you know all that working in telco line 😉
I’ve talked to the friend of mine who work in mobile shop.
He recommended that K750i is better than w800i since w800i is more leaning towards stereo but k750i is better in performance (camera)
Hey thanks dude, appreciate the effort!
If I was you though I’d be doubting your friends knowledge of phones, they are using exactly the same hardware, including CCD and sound chipset, so the camera is exactly the same on both…Only difference is the headphones in regards to sound, and the firmware on the w800 allowing you to listen to music with the phone turned off.
same are right.. firmware differs… also the 800 lean towards the mp3(black eyed peas promo).. why i say that 750 is more practical is due to the appreance and style. If you were to take the 800, it would look all cool and tigerish in the 1st place.. but in a longer run, suan will be the stylo gay chiQ and you with a toy phone cover… should also take into consideration the price of a memory slot because the 800 comes with a 512 but i dont know bout the 750…
so it would be either the 800 + 512 card = RM1999
750 + ??? card = RM17++
oh if u just needed the comparison link ( i bet you checked through dy) but i was as well…
Lou fu…. JImmy’s got a W800 original – not used at RM1.8k… pick up your phone and call him if u are interested
a friend of my bought K750i. Hardly a month, already having problem navigating the menu. Cant scroll up & down *sigh*