Tag Archives | couch-to-5k

Resuming My Couch To 5k Training – Learning To Run

I started this journey way back in 2013 with my Couch to 5k training and my dusty treadmill and unfortunately this category on my blog has remained lonely with only 2 posts in it for the past 3 years. But now I’m eating well with WildFit, I feel great and have loads of energy, plus […]

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Couch-to-5k – Week 1 Workout 1 Conquered!

So I didn’t count my first try, because I only got half way through (I did about 1.04 miles in about 16 minutes and then collapsed). I had my rest day, as I should, then today I retried the first workout with new, more reasonable speeds. After some reading, a jog should be quite slow, […]

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Couch-to-5k & A Treadmill & Me

So we’ve had a plan to get a treadmill since we bought this house, we even allocated a space for it on the upstairs landing and had a plug point put in the floor – especially for the treadmill. But due to the house, the renovation, then the wedding – we had no budget to […]

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