Why didn’t they run?
Why didn’t anyone run?
Photographs from the camera of a Canadian couple killed in Asia’s tsunami include their final shots of a huge wave as it rushed toward them at their beach resort in Thailand.Source: CNN
The final pictures from the camera

Kind of morbid really. Makes you wonder..
Shows you how tough memory cards are though, reminds me of a study they did, memory cards can take a ridiculous amount of punshiment and still keep the data intact. Shame Digital Cameras are rather frail in comparison.
https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3939333.stm They were dipped into cola, put through a washing machine, dunked in coffee, trampled by a skateboard, run over by a child’s toy car and given to a six-year-old boy to destroy.Perhaps surprisingly, all the cards survived these six tests.
Most of them did fail to get through two additional tests – being smashed by a sledgehammer and being nailed to a tree.
Even then, data experts Ontrack Data Recovery were able to retrieve photos from the xD and Smartmedia cards.
Hmm indeed.
so sad *sigh*
that’s it lah. i must rant. and I will tokkok online again. hijacked my friend’s pc for a couple of minues. do expect sumthing in your email. 😛 cheers!
… uh. except i dunno your email add. Duh.
yo, it’s the first time I’m reading about the durability of memory cards 🙂 that opened my mind 😛
Also, I find myself ask ing the same question, why didn’t they run?
Only two reasons I can think of, as to why they didnt’ run:
1/ They didn’t realise their lives were in danger (tsunami’s not being frequent events on the news, they wouldn’t have been prepared)
2/ They figured it was too late to try to run.
Of course, most people still try to fight even when they know all hope is lost. So they might have taken the shot and ran!
Memory cards are like aeroplane black boxes. Why can’t they build the rest of the camera from the same material?
why run when u know ur gonna be outrun ??
mite as well saviour the last moment wif courage n glory !!
lol and i thought you were talking bout why the poor fella who took the shot did’nt run …
haha yeah memory cards like sd and mmc these days are a a bugger to kill …
ok nvm.. i’ve dunnit! YEAY!