Tag Archives | slow carb diet

Slow Carb Diet Update #2 – Week 2 – #4hb

I don’t have so much to document for this week because I away in Redang from Wednesday – Saturday, Saturday night I had a wedding dinner and Sunday we went a bit mad after being stuck on the island for a while. Monday Dinner was a really delicious Thai style chicken and pumpkin curry – […]

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Slow Carb Diet Update #1 – Week 1 – #4hb

Well I’ve decided I may as well document my effort at dieting here for my own good as much as anything else, and to put it out there in the public eye to put more pressure on myself to stick to it. Also I like to think of it more as a paradigm shift in […]

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Eat Properly – Drop The Sugar (Fructose) & Stop Diabetes/Obesity

Jamie’s One Young World Speech, 2nd September 2011 Join the Food Revolution Community and sign the petition. Changes have to be made, if not people are going to be dying at 50, as a human race we are getting more and more unhealthy instead of the other way round. Jamie Oliver’s TED award speech. The […]

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