Tag Archives | chuck

TV Series Junkie Updates – Dollhouse, Life, Entourage, True Blood & Glee

As I mentioned back in 2008, I’ve truly become a TV series JUNKIE to the max. One of my greatest discoveries to date has been Entourage, which has become a true favourite of mine. I’ve been eagerly awaiting Season 7, which just started recently. I wish the episodes were longer and there were more of […]

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TV Series Junkie – Dirty Sexy Money, True Blood, Pushing Daisies & More!

I was never a big fan of TV when I was a youngster, I much preferred reading or playing computer games (imagination or interactivity vs a passive activity). There was a few series I watched and as I grew up I got hooked on a few things. We had a LOT of aussies series in […]

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