Well after my series of ever popular food posts from the UK, I have a few bits and bobs left that weren’t really suitable for a post of their own, so I shall compile them here and let them speak for themselves.
My Mom’s Lemon Cheesecake
The most awesome cheesecake in the world, homemade, nolies!
Mix some cream cheese with a packet of lemon jelly..

And plenty of lemon rind

Make the base out of crushed digestive biscuits mixed with butter, set the base in the frigde. After the base is set pour over the creamy lemon cheese jelly mix.
Mix some Gelatin with the juice from the lemon used earlier and pour a thin layer on top.

Top with some fresh fruit for a bit of extra tang, Kiwi in this case.

Then eat it, DELICIOUS!

Scotch Eggs
Man I miss my Scotch Eggs, one of the most awesome snacks in the world.

A boiled egg, wrapped in pork meat and covered with breadcrumbs, what could be better?

Serve with plenty of Heinz Ketchup!

REAL Cakes, especially real CREAM cakes
Nothing to say about these, apart from OMG ORGASMIC!


This includes real cream and custard trifle!

The tag line for cream cakes in UK is “Naughty but Nice!”
I know the name sounds a bit rude…but well I love these, not sure how to describe them, they are kinda like rubbery bread with holes in, and I love them 😀

You load them up with a tonne of butter, until it’s melted and fills all the holes..

Then slap a load of cheese on top, which melts slightly, heavenly!

Pork Pie
This section is dedicated to God.[/url]
This is a Melton Mowbray pork pie, the famous expensive kind, from Tesco’s finest range somemore!

Looks good eh?

Take a nice slice..

Load it up with Colmans English Mustard..

And stick it in your mouth ftw!

Other Random Stuff
Pies Pies and more PIES! Favourites are mince beef and onion, steak and ale and chicken and mushroom..

More cheese than you can shake a stick at..

LOADS of real pork products, best bacon and sausages in the world 😉

That’s about it..
There’s a few more things I might remember later.
Enjoy your lunch!
Oh my..
I wish we had that kind of lovely grub in the supermarkets here. T_T
Yes… that second picture down from the “Real Cream cakes” DOES look rather… orgasmic
i love pork pies… love love love love
I swear I’ve seen crumpets here before though… somewhere.. maybe it was the Minimart down the road..
I think it is kind of funny that at the bottom of the comments section on this page there is an ad by google for fast weight loss 🙂
Melton Mowbray pork pie,
This is the same shit i had last time !!!!! WOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOW …..i am salivating all over !
can you make them kwai lou ???
yum yum….damn those stuff look good, looking at ’em is making me hungry…
Oh, it’s lunch time already 🙂
Arghh i wish they had pork pies in the Tesco’s in KL.
I’m hungry already!
damn you st… making me hungry.
that pork pie sure looks like a mooncake… heeheee
i hate you! u’re making me fat already just by looking at those yummy-licious stuffs!!
argh!! :)~~
No way man…damn hard to make.
BTW dude I still have your matches at home..
Will definately try your mum’s cheesecake recipe and also the egg& pork one. I tried your chicken with cheese stuffing and cauliflower with cheese recipe and loh-kong loved t!
Looking forward to more recipes! Keep ’em coming. On a different note, on my first (hopefullly not last) trip to London last year, we pratically survived on sandwiches, kebabs and maggie cup brought from KL. The convertion rate was a killer. Imagine paying RM1.40 to take a piss in a loo! Now i regret not having tried more ‘english’ foods.
Hehe great 🙂 Glad you tried them out.
Experiment a little you can fit them to your own tastes.
Yeah when I was back I had to think back in pounds…if I didn’t sure die. Spend over RM1000 haha but it was worth it, got some nice clothes and LOADS of good food.
I even smuggled back a few kilos of chocolate, cheese, sausages and bacon! My case was 7kg over weight..
I brought back loads of stuff, Bisto gravy, white sauce, cheese sauce! Yum..
i had a heavy lunch and now i’m hungry again……. geez………
I lurv, lurv, lurv the crumpets! Stick them in the toaster, load them with butter AND peanut Butter. A wonderful substitute when you’re overseas and craving for ‘tai kau meen’
The thing is u must not convert the currencies when u travel, especially when u go to places like UK, US, Aus and EU countries. They are, living in higher living standards and thus it costs more.
On the other hand, places like this have reasonable price and fantastic beers! Hehe.. right ST?
But the sad thing is the ciggy are damn expensive! Especially in UK and Aus. A pack of 20s will cost u RM20++. I had to survived by rolling my own ciggy during my year in UK.
Hey ST, why dun u write a post on rolling ciggy? Have u not roll ur own ciggy? ;-P
Yeah that’s correct, actually you have to convert economically, not directly.
For Malaysia to UK economically it’s 3 to 1 (Using mcindex), so you can tell if it’s expensive or not (If it costs 5 pounds there and its 15RM here then its the same price).
Ciggies and fuel are the killers. 20++? Gotta be dreaming man, UK now is around RM35 for 20 decent cigs. Those days one box last 3 days 😉
Yeah I can roll my own, but in UK those I rolled was extra long and had added ingredient 0_o
You’re killin’ us with them cheesecakes and tards, man!
No shit.. RM35 already? Back in 2000 it was still RM20++
God bless Msia ; )
Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.
Any recipes for scotch eggs?
thanks for the support man. i hope u could chip in when i undergo that liposuction..
They are actually quite hard to make succesfully…I tried before and they tended to fall apart after the baking.
Still tasted good tho!
You can try following this:
Scotch Egg Recipe
stuck at work with no food in the office, these pics getting me hungreeeee man! still won’t eat the porky stuff though….
The cream cakes look wonderful. Fresh cream (not from an aerosol can) rocks. Out of curiosity, are those cream cakes a mess to eat? Like if you bite on it does cream squirt all over your face? (no sexy interpretations intended)
Quite messy yeah, you quite often end up with cream on your nose or worse still up your nose…It doesn’t really squirt as it’s pretty thick, it just kinda oozes out everywhere, that’s half the fun 😉
Scotch Egg looks interesting! Any recipe?
Opps……… found it in the comments. Sorry!
gah bah
the lemon cheesecake…
i know i’m sounding really moronic but
damit.. u made me have second thoughts on dieting..
no.. more.. *argh*
kidding.. off me go eat~eat~eat.. YUMMY.. ^.^
wow! that’s FAT!
OMFGWTF…. I’m hungry
Crumpets is called English Muffin in usa.
Lemon Cheesecake!
Scotch Eggs!
Cream Cakes!
Pork Pie!
*Look around the house… Maggi Mee *cries*
haha…..just had sains strawberry trifle a couple of days ago and it was heaven! i totally agree with the melted butter and cheese on hot crumpets! but my fave has got to be fat yummy warm scones with a soft buttery texture. add little butter, some good quality strawberry jam and a good dollop of clotted cream….OH MY GOD………..! however, having said that, you’re missing british food while i’m missing my roti canai and char kuih tiow here in the uk! oh well…….
sitting here @ abt 3am..
n i stumbled across this blog…
darn.. now i’m hungry…
u made me feel hungry AGAIN. bitch.
raspberry trifle, frozen chicken and mushroom pie, ready-to-eat pork pie, cheesecakes and all the fresh desserts…yum!!
yea, i think i’ve seen bangsar village foodmart selling crumpets :P~
My God…
I’ve just come back from KFC (lunch break) and now I’m salivating at my desk, which means that I need to sink my teeth into something creamy or else I can’t concentrate on work.
It’s hardly a substitute, but I think I’ll go buy a pack of crisps… It’s the best thing around here T.T
Thanks, man.
I miss jam donuts. I miss four-n-twenty pies.
I really want those. Really really want those. Seriously.
*wipes away drool*
aiyo, now u make me have multiple oragsms laa….damn
oh my goodness…..the cheesecakes!!! AHhhhhhhhhh… orgasm