Ok this is it.
No really, it was fun, it was packed, met loads of people I wanted to meet..
Jeff Ooi, TV Smith (And his cartoonist, who likes my blog actually), Kenny Sia, Huai Bin (Sixthseal), Mack Zulkifli, Jordan Macvyasia, Andreas (Alwayswow), Jayelle, Reta and loads of others actually, due to lack of food and excess alchohol I’m kinda blank now.
Just watch PPS for the flood of pings.
My camera totally fucked up, the pictures came out like crap, I think the digital processor chip has gone….will have to find out how much it is to fix..
I am rambling..I had lots of jugs of beer and no food..
Anyway I forgot to pre-order food, but due to them being too busy I heard quite a few people say the food wasn’t good, and those I tried definately wasn’t good.
I applaud the effort, but hope for it to be a little better organised next time, not a great location, although cosy, there was 80-100 people, so….a little too cosy?
The award results are everywhere, go look em up if you care.
Will post pics and proper things tommorow when I’m concious and not stinking like a pig (and have gotten the pics from the people’s cameras I whored), I need to shower and sleep, meeting at 9.30am OMG THATS IN A POXY 8 HOURS!
Apart from Tim Yang[/url] obviously.
*EDIT* Ok I love this pic so much I’ll post it..

9:30am meeting? Be thankful you don’t need to head to KLIA at 6am *groans*
shortest comment award – w00t
i have a better one.. just wait
Was nice meeting you dude! Your tall!
Duh, he guy next to you spoiled the mood for me… you animal…. arrrr
The guy next to you needs to be photoshopped out. 😛 Was great meeting you, ST. 🙂
duuuude! sounds like it was a blast!
i have the best..just wait too
Oh fuck. Yes remove the prick out please. LOL
Bro, some skinny short guy showed up at closing time looking for Shaolin Tiger; he said his name was Tim.
Yeah, right! LOL
*all Tim Yang’s hits are belong to me*
i tried to do this thing where i tried to guess who was who when i got to the place, and guess what, you were my first correct guess!
My photoshop skills not so powderful mah
I’ll see what I can do.
Haha I wish, that would have been a good end to the evening.
Hahaha, not a great acheivement, I think I’m pretty recognisable 😉
Good to see you there anyway 🙂
it was nice playing with you on dota.
HAha yeah, you aren’t exactly short yourself 😉
Yeah it was great fun, good to meet all those famous people, and somehow discover, I’m kinda famous too!
Yeah, nice to meet you too 😉
Loved your entry this morning hehe
Hey dude,
Didnt really have the chance to talk with you last nite but it was a pleasure meeting you anyway.
hey tall Hottie lol
You are bald on the head but kindda hairy elsewhere… Hehehe.
Anyway nice meeting you furball!!! 😉
P/S: Ky wasn’t drunk enough to pee on the pot plant. Darn.
wahlauwei~the bash sounded like loads of fun. damnanitions, next june is far away.
nice to meet you, ST… even though it was just a one second hand-shake. 🙂