Goodbye 2004 Hello 2005

Well it’s the start of a new year, so HAPPY NEW YEAR to all, the first working day of the year, the first Monday of the’s still like any other

Friday the Telurcon engineer came and sorted the phone out, which is good. I got a nice new blue phone.

The curtains guy came and fitted everything, place looks really different now, it’s suprising the amount it changes the look and feel of the place just by having decent curtains up, really feels like a home now. And I can finally open my bedroom curtains without having people peer at me, I have nets! Yay!

The Stimx guy didn’t come on Saturday but it was no big deal as I didn’t foresee me having any time over the weekend to go online anyway.

Left work fairly promptly, I was last in the office for once at 6.15pm everyone was gone..

Got home, had some dinner and bought some stuff, a jug, some bowls for the Satay and Chicken Wings..

Bought some Ice and beer for the fridge (A styrofoam box).

People were on Malaysian Time so we chilled for a while, had some drinks some food, some music, some Scrabble and Connect-4.

Did some hardcore drunken macho arm-wrestling

Quite a lot of people came in the end

Including God and Suan.

As usual we all ended up in a drunken mess, God also tried to give me a firemans lift and managed to fall on his face and cut his eye…NOOB.

It was good, lots of friends, food, drink and laughs.

The full gallery of pictures can be found HERE.

Saturday afternoon Stimx guy came and set the stuff up, broadband world should be arriving down my telephone line today (1MB woohoo).

We woke up, and went to eat Dim Sum nearby, then we drove off to Genting.

It’s a nice drive, and it was pretty busy but when we got there it was absolutely hideous..Windy raining and heavy mist.

It was that bad I forgot to take the camera when I got out of the car.

Most of the rides were closed due to the weather so we just wondered around inside and checked out Ripleys Believe it or Not Museum.

It was pretty interesting, should have had the camera though, was some cool stuff inside.

Then we watched the Haunted Adventure, which, well wasn’t really scary at all. We headed back when we were hungry..

The drive was kinda slow due to the fog…

It was really hard to see were I was going, and had to drive super slow

We headed back for the famous Asam Prawns, but the damn place had sold out of prawns (oh well it was new years day) we had Asam Fish instead, which was also great..

Along with some Tofu

Some veges (Which took forever to come) and some pork and of course Carlsberg ๐Ÿ™‚

After that headed back, was pretty sleepy.

Totally cleaned up the appartment top to bottom, swept, scrubbed the floors, the bathrooms, the balcony, the lot!

Was funking out with some of my favourite albums from Cypress Hill (One of my favourite all time groups).

Watched a movie after that, A Tale of Two Sisters.

I think I need to watch it again when I am not so tired, I was like wtf…confused.

It’s a beautifully shot movie with good acting and a twisting story, but it takes some working out…it’s not a cheap shocker kind of horror like the recent emergences from Asia (Shutter, One Missed Call etc). It’s a lot more sinister and psychological. I’d say it’s a thriller more than an out and out horror movie.

It’s an extremely subjective film and can be intepreted many ways. It’s worth watching as it will provoke you into some interesting thoughts. Don’t watch it expecting to be scared, or you will be disappointed, it’s definately NOT as I said above, a horror movie.

There is a good comment on IMDB which I will quote..

So solid in construction, so consistent in tone and so beautifully disorienting

I will say it’s a very good movie, it’s just not what I was expecting. If you appreciate beautiful direction and screenplay watch this movie.


Sunday went for Segambut Seafood noodles for lunch, packed full of all kinds of seafood (Clams, Squid, Fish, Cockles, Prawns)

After that went and ordered my sofa, should arrive on Tuesday, good stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

Only 2 things left after that, Fridge and Office chair for my PC room (Hardcore DOTA!)

Went to Ikea to check out the sale, pretty much a waste of time, nothing of interest worth buying.

After that went off home and watched one of my favourite alltime brainless movies, cheap entertainment.

Human Traffic

It’s so realistic, it’s the epitomy of British clubbing, seriously I’ve watched this film about 30 times, but if you’ve never been in that scene, you wouldn’t understand half of it…but truly a great movie.

I’ve started my Got Rice? gallery, with the first shot…

Classic Wira with GT spoiler..

Also found a great Tsunami resource here for all the info you could ever need

Other than that back to work today….next post, expect a summary of 2004, or something along those lines..




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14 Responses to Goodbye 2004 Hello 2005

  1. FireAngel January 3, 2005 at 1:40 am #

    THAT’s called a small quiet get-together?!?!?!?

    What’s your version of a noisy drunken debauchery man???? ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. ShaolinTiger January 3, 2005 at 1:46 am #

    Hey it was pretty low-fi ok…

    We only got one complaint at that wasn’t till 2am ๐Ÿ™‚

    I mean less than 40 people is taking it easy…max was about 18 I think.

    Death toll was like 2 brand new bottles of Chivas Regal, Bacardi Limon, 15 beers and something else..which I forgot!

  3. doc January 3, 2005 at 5:13 am #

    Whoah!!! That’s a lot of happenings marn…

  4. TheGreatFaggot January 3, 2005 at 5:45 am #

    i’ kinda miss Baby ! :X

  5. Kymmie January 3, 2005 at 10:13 am #

    Happy New Year! That looked like a great time! Thanks for posting the photos.

    AND? I am interested in you publishing a movie list …. I like what you have recommeded thus far. Keep recommending!

  6. shanks January 3, 2005 at 10:25 am #

    that thing on the wira is a real SPOILER alrite. it is so ugly! don’t you think that it is mounted on the wrong car?

  7. suanie January 3, 2005 at 10:31 am #

    my hair is so nice and curly, ifeellikethehottestchickalive OMFG THIS LAPTOP SUCKS 56k DIAL UP SUCKS!

  8. letti January 3, 2005 at 11:18 am #

    1. always got too creeped out by korean/japanese horror flicks to enjoy them ( read: The Grudge, The Ring etc )

    2. Never understood spoilers on Protons

    3.why do you insist on torturing me with malaysian food pics?

    happy new year

  9. ShaolinTiger January 3, 2005 at 8:30 pm #

    Sure I will write about all the movies I watch, I plan to compile some ‘must watch’ lists at a later date for various genres.

    I have hundreds of DVD’s a lot of which I haven’t watched yet.

  10. ShaolinTiger January 3, 2005 at 8:32 pm #

    Yeah but you see so many Wiras/Gen-2s/Wajalutions even freaking Kancils with GT spoilers, EVO-II body kits and so on..

    Will be adding pics to the gallery as I find them.

  11. ShaolinTiger January 3, 2005 at 8:37 pm #

    Hey it’s not just to torture you ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Bryanboy January 3, 2005 at 9:19 pm #

    Looks like it was a fun party.

    And all that food. How exotic. How yummy.

    Not even billions of dollars worth of heroin would be able to supress my appetite if I was there.

  13. God January 4, 2005 at 1:44 am #

    G, My cut left a nice scar…scar face….muhahahha

    anyway….the reason i can’t lift you i think is because i am not drunk enough. let’s do it again..

  14. TheGreatFaggot January 4, 2005 at 4:17 am #

    hahahhaha my weird fag bros !

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