Tag Archives | style

Triumph presents Justin Yap, Jimmy Lin & Ken Wong at M-IFW 2007

You might remember I went to M-IFW a while ago, I posted one set TIAMO (Sylvia Lim) Presents Jonathan Cheng at M-IFW 2007 and promptly forgot I had stayed for another show after that. The favourite of photographers, Triumph presents Justin Yap, Jimmy Lin & Ken Wong. Somehow Triumph shows always tend to be the […]

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Krystal – Day 2 – Conclusion

So these are the last few shots for Krystal, if you liked these you can check out the Kharu sets too. These are a mix of urban shots, different processing and colour for different feels. Defiant Escape Masquerade (more…)

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Krystal – Day 2 – Flower Girl

Due to Krystal being late the first day – Manny kindly gave us a few hours on the second day to shoot Krystal in the morning before she flew back to Bangkok. We started off again in the earning morning light at KLPac, tried for different feels and looks for the second day. Yellow Glow […]

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TIAMO (Sylvia Lim) Presents Jonathan Cheng at M-IFW 2007

So my first time shooting catwalk actually, I’ve always considered it but never really tried before. I thought it might be tough as I don’t have a f/2.8 telephoto lens as I’m using the cheapo 70-300mm VR (f/4.5-5.6). I love the lens, but I guess I have to get the 70-200mm f/2.8 VR lens one […]

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Krystal – End of Day 1

So back to Krystal it is, somehow I got some steam over the weekend and finished the first day of the Krystal shoot….some nice pics in there. Day 2 is still looming with another 4GB of RAW files to look through. I expect to be getting back up to date though as processing on this […]

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Kharu – Summer Rain & Bikini Star

This is what you’ve been waiting for isn’t it? A treat for you all on Friday! The final and last set from Kharu – you can look forwards to some from Krystal soon as I’ve gotten these out of the way. It was pretty tough shooting this last set as the clock was ticking closer […]

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Kharu – The Latino Rose & The Golden Goddess

A few more before the bikini set from Kharu. Latino Rose Lines Goddess (more…)

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Kharu – The Sky and The Fan

A few more from the Kharu set I processed last night, bikini set is coming soon don’t worry 😛 Number One Fan Protective I Command YOU (more…)

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Carpark Cross with Kimberlycun and Ie-Tsen

During the weekend one of Kim’s friends was around, and I’d had an idea for a photoshoot in my head for a while..so we headed off to a carpark to take some urban portraiture. I used artificial lighting as the carpark was very dark, mostly an SB-800 with a reflective umbrella and a naked SB-600. […]

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