Tag Archives | somerset

A Round of Mini-Golf and a Cream Tea in Dunster!

After A Trip Up The Hill and a Ride on West Somerset Steam Railway the next morning we started off with a solid English Breakfast again, this time we had the full works with Black Pudding! Unfortunately this was the only food shot I took at my aunt’s place in Minehead…she’s such a superb cook […]

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A Trip Up The Hill and a Ride on West Somerset Steam Railway

After our trip down to Minehead and a visit to RNLI we headed up the hill where I took the glorious sunset pictures in 2006. Unfortunately this time the weather had deteriorated by the time we reached Minehead so it was more grey skies than blue and rather chilly. The moors were colourful though with […]

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Malvern and Minehead

The weather has still been a bit hit and miss, it’s raining pretty hard now and was miserable yesterday. We had a few good days before that though, had a nice walk up the Malvern Hills. We didn’t make it all the way up to the top because my Mom bought a car on the […]

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