Tag Archives | seaside

Memories of Minehead

The last few pics from my trip to Minehead back in August last year, the weather was pretty overcast so I went for Black and White conversion and a couple of HDR thrown in for good measure. Happy Train Man Thirsty? (more…)

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Minehead – Part II – A Walk Along the Seafront

Well after lazing around on the terrace all day we went for a walk along to the harbour and down towards the beach (the opposite direction from Butlins!) to get away from the people and get a bit of fresh air and exercise. It was a nice walk, along by the harbour, the lifeboat station […]

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Continue Reading · 20 Comments · Photography, Trips & Travel, UK

Minehead – Seaside Relaxing in the UK

I still have quite a few posts from UK, so back to normal service again for a while, until I decide to whinge about the stupid SE K750i I bought in January that now doesn’t work because the screen is totally white…and the LCD warranty is only for 1 MONTH, yes I just found out […]

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Continue Reading · 14 Comments · Trips & Travel, UK

Urgh Tired

I’ve been camping in a field for two days, then rushed down to the coast to take in some sea air, and eat some dead deer, which was fantastic. The field was nice, booze was good, loads of food and loads of shooting. Muddy field, crazy people, guns, food, music & alchohol = yeah! Pictures […]

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