Tag Archives | nye

Happy New Year 2011!

Happy new year! Man this year has flown by fast, before you know it – it’s 2011 already. It’s been a hard but fruitful year in many ways. Spend pretty much the whole of it being broke because of the new house. But that’s pretty much sorted now, still a lot of bills to pay […]

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The MidZone Countdown Party 2008 – New Years Eve at Mid Valley City

So on new years eve there was a big party at Mid Valley City called MidZone Countdown 2008. Fireworks, dancers, drummers, good djs and a bunch of friends – sounds like fun eh? Well it was! We got there quite early, to collect our media tags and to avoid the jam – strangely federal highway […]

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Happy New Year and Have a GREAT 2008!

Happy new year to all, let’s hope everyone has a great, healthy and prosperous year. This year was definitely the year of VIP tags – good stuff, let’s hope for more next year! These were only the ones I kept – I chucked a bunch out. I think I’ll start collecting them now. MidZone rocked […]

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