Tag Archives | ubuntu 10.04

Upgrading Ubuntu 10.04 To Use SVN 1.7 Client

If you are using ‘svn switch‘ on your deployer and you have older servers (Ubuntu 10.04 for example) the standard repo version of SVN will be 1.6, and won’t support the command. What you need to do is upgrade the SVN client to version 1.7x with a PPA package. I suggest using the following commands: […]

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How To Install The Latest APC 3.1.9 On Ubuntu 10.04 LTS & W3 Total Cache Optimization

Yah another geeky post – woohoo! Anyway, when you are running high traffic WordPress sites – it’s very common to use W3 Total Cache (known as w3tc usually). And with this you need some kind of in memory cache to store objects/db queries etc – the choice for a single server setup is generally APC […]

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