Tag Archives | rihanna

Rihanna Concert on February 13th in Kuala Lumpur Postponed

I’m sure most of you know by now, but it seems Rihanna got into some domestic dispute with her significant other Chris Brown and her concert here tomorrow night has been postponed. Here is the official release. So far it hasn’t been cancelled, so hold onto your tickets. The organisers will make sure everyone knows […]

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Marié Digby – Harnessing (or abusing) The Social Web

I’m sure you’ve heard of this chick if you’re connected to the online world, one of the big Youtube phenomenas of 2007 coming up with an acoustic version of Rihanna’s Umbrella. If you haven’t heard of her watch this first: That’s Marié Digby, one of the new social web stars. If you listen to commercial […]

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