Tag Archives | linux

sysstat – sar Invalid system activity file: /var/log/sysstat/sa19

After a recent upgrade (not sure which) the sar command stopped working, with the error output: The saXX can be any number, and relates to the log file – which for some reason is corrupt/missing/unreadable. In my case it seems to exist, but doesn’t function. I’ve found the best remedy to this to be purging […]

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Running Unattended/Automatic Security Updates on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin

So a while back I wrote about – Running Unattended/Automatic Security Updates on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid, which was great and all. But now Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is out, so I’m running all new installs on that (woohoo new 9.x versions of PostgreSQL, php-fpm in PHP core etc) and the previous update method I was […]

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Random Blog Post #2 & A Little About The Nokia N900 Maemo Beast

I kinda like this style of blogging, like how I used to blog back in the day..free and easy, some pics, some words and what I’ve been up to. Kind of nice to keep a journal of what I’ve been doing too without any pretensions or over-thinking things. Just like I did last week the […]

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