Tag Archives | blue-sky

Pom Pom Island – Sabah, Malaysia

What an amazing place! Pretty sure I’ll write about this trip (for once) because I had such a GOOD time! Truly a paradise, crystal clear turquoise waters, amazing diving, great company, breathtaking sunsets – brilliant! More soon.

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Not Too Bad

The weather hasn’t been too bad really on and off. Quite a lot of rain, but it hasn’t been too heavy – quite a bit of blue skies too which is nice! Quite a lot of grey skies too which isn’t quite so nice…but can’t have your cream cakes and eat it! Been eating plenty, […]

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KLCC on Blue

I was down in KLCC yesterday for a short launch of the new Live services & software by Microsoft. So I grabbed a quick shot on the way out. I’ll talk a bit more about the new Photo Gallery later as it’s actually coooool.

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Kharu – Sky Goddess

Here’s a few more to keep you entertained, I haven’t had much time to convert the pics, so not many this time. Will try and do a few more soon. Beauty Descends (more…)

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