Tag Archives | Anti-Valentine

Yeah Valentine’s Day STILL Sucks – Be My Anti-Valentine

I’ve always been anti-valentine’s day, I’ve even been in the papers for my views on this. It seems trendy in the last 1-2 years to go against Valentine’s day, it seems anti-commercialism is finally hitting the mainstream. What’s the point really? Overpriced flowers? Overpriced dinners? As I mentioned before, I learnt a very good lesson […]

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Happy Valentines Day..Or not..

What’s it all about anyway, can’t we show appreciation for our lovers/boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives every day of the year? A have[/url] expressed their thoughts on this matter, really it’s just commercial bullshit isn’t it. Much like Christmas has become a time for showing who can buy the most expensive and flashy presents, this is not the point…I […]

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