Archive | December, 2005

English Breakfast in KL – Shaolin Style!

Ok so what I did before I left to Brunei was whipped myself up a huge psuedo-english breakfast, of course it’s not quite the same as the original I had[/url], back in the UK..

But I think I did pretty good!

Bear in mind, no mushrooms here and pretty hard to get nice fresh tomatoes.

First up, as usual, fry the sausages (MAKE SURE YOU POKE SOME HOLES IN THEM FIRST!!) at a medium heat until they are golden brown and cooked throughout.

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Back in Brunei..YAH!


I just woke up, its 1am, it’s weird…

I haven’t eaten since this morning aswell, about 6am at KLIA at Cafe Marche..bum

Got here, passed out, supposed to go to class at 2.30pm, they didn’t shop up so I slept more, and more and more..

Zz, just walked out to find a shop, it’s raining heavily, got wet, but got some pringles and a pot noodle.

Got no towel in the bathroom.

Need to get one.

Need to eat some more pringles.

Need to erm..not sure.

Oh well, better find something to do, reply some e-mails or something, or maybe sleep for a while.

Ah my towel arrived, maybe a shower.


This post feels like it belongs on LiveJournal.

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Pixart – Photobooks for Your Family and Friends!

Here I introduce Pixart[/url], a local Malaysian company.

What they are basically doing is providing customised photobooks to order, you provide the pictures and some money, they give you a coffee table style book to keep!

So first up I got an offer from James to review this product, and it sounds interesting after checking out their website so I did!

I downloaded the software at a decent rate, it’s around 5.5MB. The download link is HERE. The system requirements are well outlined on the Pixart site.

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My Xmas Presents to Myself!

Well I came back from Brunei..

My curtain rail had fallen down[/url] AGAIN (Last time it was almost a year ago today, weird eh)
My car is still dented[/url]
The tap in the second bathroom had exploded
My PC had totally stopped working and refused to boot

First thing up was fix the tap, easy job, just buy a new tap and screw it in.

I sent the car to the workshop, hoping to get it back the next day, but due to holiday spirit the paint shops are all busy so I’ll get it back on Tuesday.

I went shopping aswell and got some other mundane things for the house, aluminium for behind the stove, new mattress cover, banked in the Google cheque, paid the bills, had some awesome Authentic Hiroshima Okonomi Yaki & Gyoza, some new rechargeable batteries for my mouse etc etc..

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Xmas Eve Party – I was Sober..

Yeah wtf is that about, I’ve been hungover every xmas day since I was about 13..

I just really couldn’t bear the thought of drinking anything last night at all.

We were greeted of course with some nice xmas decor!

The disco lights were in full effect, not much dancing though..

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Merry Xmas to all!

I’ll be off to KY’s place shortly for the premier christmas party in KL[/url]..

Feeling pretty christmassy at home, the xmas tree is up..

And I got a few cards from UK 🙂

My mom even sent me this cute little snowman fella, he’s a cheery looking chap.

I wish I was feeling as healthy as he looks right now.

As Paul said Smirnoff 50% + Smirnoff 50% = 100% fucked, which we all were last night. Man it was messy, I sprained my ankle, lost my pendant, have bruises on my knees and chest and puke stuck in my nose. Nice eh? Oh well, I guess I have to remind myself now and then why drinking that much isn’t a good idea. The last time I was like that 4-5 years ago I think. Qbar is cool!

Merry Xmas to you all! Have a great time and I hope you get what you wanted. And remember, don’t drink TOO much!

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My early Christmas Present?!

I got home from Brunei to find my mailbox jam packed full, one of the things inside was this.

Shame it’s gonna take 4-6 weeks to clear and costs me 80 ringgit to bank in..

Might actually get the money by my birthday..

What’s that shit about honestly.

4-6 weeks to clear, plus I gotta pay what exactly?

60 bucks courier charge
11 bucks processing fee
6 bucks government tax

Something like that anyway..

Not that bothered though as it’s passive income, I don’t claim to be a pro-blogger.

And no, don’t worry it’s not from this site, it’s from some others 😉

I think personal blogs loaded with ads suck, I have a few here but they were more to get out of the Google Sandbox than anything else, and there isn’t even any on the front page at all.

I think this site has earnt about $50USD since February. Barely enough to cover the hosting.

Oh well, Merry Xmas to me 🙂

I bought a load of stuff today, so might blog about that tommorow.

As for now I’m off to Qbar to bug FA about dancing naked on a table.


BTW Check out the comments from random flickr users on XiaXue and her LOVELY bikini puke I mean pic[/url].. HERE[/url].

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The ‘Best Asian Blogger’ looks like this..? – Yeah Xiaxue Bikini Shot!

Doesn’t it make you think of a slightly pudgy 4 foot tall transvestite?

Vomit inducing eh?

Blog Queen is very apt actually, as Queen has a different meaning in UK…(Flambouyant, obvious homosexual or crossdresser)

Yes it’s true, even a studio shot, heavy make-up and a good photoshopping can’t help SOME PEOPLE[/url].

This is self-proclaimed by the way.

I own the Best Asian blog with 20,000 readers, and haven’t you heard?

Famous?! From a blog? I guess she’s famous like Steven Lim is famous. People pick on her siblings at school, hurl insults at her in the street, yeah must be great to be famous like that!

When you are famous, money falls out of trees for you.

If money falls out of trees, why is she fantasizing about owning a fridge rather than BUYING it.

Are you a rich guy?

Web traffic means loads, when all your reads are from Singapore. I don’t know the exact demographics, but her sitemeter is public, so you too can get a good idea.

This entry may bore some people, but well she’s being a cunt on Kenny’s blog, so I thought I’d give a little retort.

I could go on and on about all her flaws, but what’s the point, she’s doing a great job of showing them all off herself.

I’m off to a Winter Solstice dinner now, so have fun and see you round KL 😉

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Continue Reading · 52 Comments · General Nonsense, Ranting

Christmas Spirit – New Banner

Well I was bored today as usual..

And I’m heading back to KL afternoon *YAY*

So I thought I’d whack up a christmassy banner.

Actually what prompted me was I just put back the Christmas theme for , so I felt like giving it a try here.

I couldn’t get the front-page snow to work though, I guess it must be to do with the Smarty templates messing up the Java or something.

Oh well.

Merry Fscking Xmas!

And I’ll see you at KY’s party[/url] if you can make it, if I don’t like you, don’t come or I’ll hang you upside down by your feet and dunk your head in his Koi Pond.

If you can’t make it, BAD LUCK.

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My favourite food in Penang isn’t even Malaysian!

It’s Taiwanese, and man I LOVE IT!

It’s at the skanky old shopping center in One-stop, Pulau Tikus, Penang.

It’s called ‘Taiwan Fast Food’.

They have a good menu and some set meal deals with unique stuff like ‘Mini-steamboat’.

The interior decor is nice, it’s plane and simple with a nice wooden bar and it’s very clean and well lit.

They have some pretty interesting starters like a plate of duck tongue, yum?!

I went for a set meal with the lovely heart warming beef stew.

They have really good Gyoza type dumplings with the normal vinegar and ginger.

And some good chicken chop, reminds me of the chicken you get at SS2 Pasar Malam (I forget the name, but it’s quite famous).

Don’t worry I’m not that fat, I did go there twice, mainly I went twice to eat these steamed dumplings straight from heaven..

There are a few dumplings that are ‘supposed’ to be like this, full of soup! But these really are, when you take a bite of the perfectly steamed dumpling, the soup just squirts out into your mouth, it’s amazing.

Seriously these are THE best dumplings I’ve ever had, if you are in Penang, or are going to Penang, you HAVE to try these at least once.

If anyone knows where I can find this kind of stuff in KL, PLEASE let me know!

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Continue Reading · 26 Comments · Food/Eating